Spring 2022 / Second year project
The Yuan Home Altar Set is a discursive
design concept that offers a innovative way
to remember loved ones.

Concept Inspiration
Inspired from “Death in the City” by April Ng
(Arcade Journal Summer 2020, p.32-40)
After reading this article, and considering my cultural background, I began to think about the challenges of mourning in the city, where spaces for grief and memorialization are often limited or nonexistent.
Urban Background
4500 ~ 190,000 USD
920 ~ 3950 USD
15,300 USD
12,600 USD
The cost of cemetery plots and related expenses
Hong Kong Private Niche:
Hong Kong Public Niche:
Tokyo Burial Plot:
Osaka Burial Plot:
Hong Kong and Japan
In Japan, the cremation rate has been steadily rising since the 1960s and reached a record high of 99.97% in 2019.
In Hong Kong, the government has been promoting eco-friendly alternatives to traditional burial.

For people living in cities with high population density and aging populations who need to honor their deceased loved ones.
High prices for cemeteries in cites with high population density.
Difficult to maintain cemetery and honor loved ones due to the migration of future generations.
Commercial land uses have encroached on cemeteries and columbaria that were previously located outside the city limits.
Modern changes in the way people view life and death.
What if a home altar set could provide a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional cemetery plots in densely populated cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo?

Why called it "Yuan"
渊 (yuān)
swirling water
圆 (yuán)
Circle, Perfection, Harmony
远 (yuǎn)
永远 Forever
愿 (yuàn)
Hope, wish
Idea of Reincarnation
In religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily death - whether it be consciousness, mind, the soul, or some other entity - in one or more successive existences.
The name inspired from Chinese "Yuan" in four different tones

The intention to focus on emotional values and alleviate a mourner’s sense of loss and loneliness by incorporation the deceased’s ashes into the former’s daily life.